Snowy and little Becca

Snowy & Becca's first horseshow

Snowy & Becca

Snowy & little Amy the dogs are Babe(kelpie) in the foreground and Bobbi(aussie/lab) in the background

Snowy & I visiting the neighbors
Snowflake came to us as a young pony. She was given to us by a good friend of my father. They had purchased a 16 hand Quarter Horse stallion, and Snowflake came with him as his companion. My father agreed to take her and was assured that she was not pregnant. After all how could a 10 hand pony be bred by a 16 hand stallion. Well 11 months later out came a stud colt. We named him Mocoso it means "brat" in some other language. He was a beautiful paint he grew to be 14.2 hands but he had a "pony" attitude. He was sold to a friend of ours as a barrell horse. I don't remember him, because I was either too little or not born yet :)
Snowflake stayed with us as our family pony. She belonged to my brother for a while, she was loaned out to friends of ours for sometime while I was getting old enough to learn to really ride. Once I was old enough she came back to us. I rode her throughout all of my childhood until I got too big for her. I even rode her while I was too big, but I had another horse so we loaned "Snowy" out again to another family for their children. They also rode her and learned from her throughout their childhood. Once Becca was born and the time came to put her on her first pony, we brought "Snowy" back home. Becca spent her childhood learning from Snowy and riding and loving her. Becca even competed in her first horseshow with Snowy winning a blue ribbon in leadline trail class. I was leading her but Becca was responsible for stearing Snowy through the course which consisted of backing through a set of barrels, stopping at a barrel and picking up treats from one bucket and moving them to the next barrel all I did was hold the lead incase something happened.
One day Snowy came in from the pasture and she wouldn't eat her grain. So my father came to the house to get me so I could look her over. She kept swallowing so I figured she had "choke". It was a sunday afternoon, and we called the vet. When she got there she tubed Snowy and had trouble getting the tube down her throat. There was alot of blood coming from the tube. The blood was not normal. The vet assumed that she had a tumor in her throat that had possibly broken loose causing the choke. We could take her to Tufts for surgery if we wanted, but with her age chances of survival were slim. We decided that Snowy had earned her right to a peaceful death so as hard as it was we made the decision to euthanize her.
In figuring how old Snowy was we figured she was around 42 years old at the time of her death. There are 10 years between me and my brother and she had belonged to us both in our childhood. She was truly a once in a lifetime pony. She passed through 3 generations in my family as well as taught many other neighborhood kids how to ride.